It’s been a minute…

As I look back on my posting on my site, I realize that it has been a while since I have written. Life often gets in the way of your endeavors, and that is what happened with me.

It’s been a year since I’ve put pen to paper, or in this case, fingers to keyboard. Writing here used to be an essential part of my life, but over the past year, I’ve found myself increasingly unable to make time for it. The reasons are twofold: other obligations and dealing with grief and loss after being a caretaker for loved ones.

A lot has gone on in my life over the past few years. Taking care of family, my career, and my home, left little time for the pursuits that I have here. It’s been a constant balancing act, and unfortunately, writing and posting here was something that fell by the wayside. I’ve been pulled in so many different directions that sitting down to write seemed like an indulgence I couldn’t afford.

But it’s not just a lack of time that has kept me from writing. I’ve also been dealing with grief and loss. Over the past few years, I’ve been a caretaker for several loved ones who have battled cancer. Sadly, many of them lost that battle, the biggest one being my mother, and their passing has left a hole in my heart. It’s been a struggle to find joy in the things that used to bring me happiness, and writing has been no exception.

In many ways, writing has been a lifeline for me. It has been a way to process my emotions, explore my thoughts, and connect with others. But over the past year, it’s been hard to summon the energy and motivation to do so. I initially tried to push through my grief and keep going. But I’ve felt stuck, unable to find the words to express myself.

So why am I writing this now? I suppose it’s a way to break the cycle of silence. It’s a way to acknowledge that writing is still important to me, even if I haven’t been doing it lately. It’s a way to honor the loved ones I’ve lost, by finding a way to keep moving forward. I know that they would want that for me.

Writing is a process, and it’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s messy, sometimes it’s frustrating, and sometimes it’s painful. But it’s also beautiful and rewarding. I know that it helps others. Writing has helped me in so many ways. It’s a way to connect with others, to share our stories, and to make sense of the world around us. And that’s why I’m committing to getting back to writing here. I know that it will be good for me, and I hope that it is helpful for you.